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Thursday, March 26

Seasons come, seasons go

Though Spring officially started last week it's still a bit nippy here, but you can feel the season's change in the air. The sky is bluer, days are longer, lawns are turning green again, daffodils are sprouting, and everyone is waiting for that moment when they can shed their coats and jumpers and feel the sun on their faces again. Long, cold winters are tough but I wouldn't miss that feeling of renewal for the world, it's good for the soul and makes you appreciate the wonders of life and the passing of time even more.

For a change, here's something fresh, new (-ish) and Spring-like from one of my favourite albums of last year.

Download: Blackbird - Rachel Unthank And The Winterset (mp3)
Buy: "The Bairns" (album)


At 1:27 PM, Blogger Simon said...

Oh, that is such a good album; really really lovely and quite original sounding. The two sisters have really great voices.

Everybody should go and buy it.

At 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes indeed, quite lovely. Have been listening to Fleet Foxes for the last few days - and, despite the allure of White Winter Hymnal ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrQRS40OKNE ) - it's nice to hear the plaintive, unadorned harmonies of these women.



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