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Tuesday, January 27

What a Drag

Jesus Christ! Superstar!
Walks like a woman and he wears a bra.

Playground song, early 1970s

I once had to wear a dress for a school play though I swear I'm not usually that way inclined (it was Shakespeare! I did it for art!). But if I was I could have had quite a lucrative career in England where we seem to love few things more than a man in a dress. In most countries cross-dressing is confined to kitschy bars in the gay part of town but in England camping it up a nice frock, make-up, and heels will make you something of national icon loved by all the family from Charley's Aunt to Danny La Rue, Boy George, Eddie Izzard ("I'm an Executive Transvestite") and Lily Savage — and it certainly didn't hurt David Bowie's career. Then there's the stock English character of the accountant in suburbia who likes to slip into the wife's little cocktail number and mince about while she's out down the shops. I'm sure this all says something deeply kinky about us as a nation but that's a box I'd rather not open.

Probably the most famous pop song about transvestites is "Lola" by The Kinks (English band, naturally) which was given a brilliantly inspired cover by feminist post-punkers The Raincoats in 1979. The idea of Ray Davies' ode to cross-dressers being performed by an all-girl band constructs such a Hall of Mirrors of gender bending and sexual ambiguity you'd need several PhDs to deconstruct it. It's like the song itself is in drag.

Download: Lola - The Raincoats (mp3)

OK, I admit it, that dress was really comfortable.


At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent post, as usual, and a top cover, cheers.

At 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was Charlie George Superstar when I were a lad. I was young and naive enough to worry a bit that he might actually wear a bra; maybe it was the hair.

At 5:16 PM, Blogger davyh said...

I'll pluck up the courage to tell my 'Maid Marian' story one day...

At 4:06 AM, Blogger Neal said...

We flitted between "Jesus Christ Superstar" and "Georgie Best Superstar". The latter was cooler in about 1973, obviously.

At 8:38 AM, Blogger Mondo said...

Les Dawson, Carry Ons, The Two Ronnies and the Pythons 'pepperpots' all got plenty of mileage out blokes in blouses

At 1:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't heard that playground ditty in over 30 years !

Agree with Neal, heard it with both
Jesus Christ & Georgie Best, mostly the latter.

But also, often with a more racial second part - 'Georgie Best, Superstar - walks like a woman & sits in a w...'s car'

Not funny since I'm a British Asian.

What sweet memories ..., this & the Cadbury's chocolate biscuit advert : 'Cadbury's takes them & covers them in chocolate !', often sung to us in the playground too.

Anyway, love your blog,

Asli Jat

At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting. Was always "Wears frilly knickers and a Playtex bra" down our way.

At 9:03 AM, Blogger londonlee said...

Oh yes, we sang that one too.

At 10:41 AM, Blogger ally. said...

apparently lola was all about dave davies' keenness for a lady with an extra little something.

maid marion eh ? i'll remember that

At 9:29 PM, Blogger Mucker said...

Our additional verse was:

Georgie Best, Superstar!
Walks like a woman and he wears a bra.
His bra's too big
So he wears a wig
And that's why we call him a sexy pig!

And, yes, Charlie George copped it round our way too.


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