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Thursday, October 23

...and finally, Esther

I'm a college-educated, adult professional who has read novels by Joyce, Dostoyevsky and Kafka and many other great works of Western literature, I visit art galleries on a regular basis and enjoy films with subtitles — but half the time I have the sense of humour of a retarded little boy. I snigger at the mere mention of words like "pork" "horn" and "wood" and I can find a saucy double entendre in the most innocent comment. As my wife will tell you, I can't make it through the fruit and veg section of the supermarket without making suggestive comments about melons, plums and cucumbers and chuckling over rudely-shaped vegetables. And few things have made me laugh more than seeing this on the shelf.

I know we Brits give the impression that we're all dreadfully sophisticated people who love witty repartee and the intellectual Oxbridge japery of Monty Python but the truth is we love nothing more than Carry On movies and Mrs. Slocombe's pussy.

Speaking of saucy double entendres, when this record came out in 1972 I thought the title was hysterical, sadly over 35 years later it still makes me giggle.

Download: Little Willy - Sweet (mp3)

(This might help explain the title of this post to those who have no clue what it's in reference to.)


At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of which puts me in mind of an ad I saw whilst on holiday in Italy earlier this month... There really is a mobile phone provider there called Wind... and they really do have a service called Passa a Wind... Embarrassingly, I was laughing like a buffoon for hours...

At 9:31 AM, Blogger mutikonka said...

Just found your blog (dunno how) and it's a gem. Must have a whiz though the archives when i have a spare hour or two.
And if you live in the states you must crack up when they talk about patting a woman on the fanny.

At 10:00 AM, Blogger dickvandyke said...

Adopts posh Cyril voice, 'I am indebted to Mr Chisholm from Hemel Hempstead who sent me this parsnip shaped like a donkey penis ..'

'Esther has been using it as such in the BBC Green Room, with hilarious consequences, as Kenneth Kendall and Robert Dougal looked on'.

I got into trouble one evening at a posh 'Dinner Party' in saying as the hostess leant over whilst placing the water, that she had such lovely jugs.

At 10:23 AM, Blogger londonlee said...

I was leaving the house one morning and our neighbour was out walking his dog who was sniffing around our front garden, so he said to me "my dog loves the smell of your bush" which almost made me die laughing on the spot. He looked at me like I was mad.

At 10:42 AM, Blogger Mondo said...

I bought a mate some of that soup for his stag do once - Innuendo ahoy, funnily enough I posted about this tune yesterday

At 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And then there was the controversy over The Tams' perfectly innocent "There ain't nothing like shagging..."

At 12:08 AM, Blogger So It Goes said...

Fnaar fnaar. I still laugh at the Koreans' attempts to use English without any forethought as to its ulterior meaning. That's why they have sacks of cement called 'Homo', juice drinks named 'Coolpis', tilet paper called 'Bumkab', and an English school lamentably known as 'Toss English' (I had to explain to my Korean-American boss why this was funny). I still can't do an exercise in one of my American-published English books featuring a couple named Mr. and Mrs. Wankie without creasing up.

At 12:09 AM, Blogger So It Goes said...

...that's 'toilet paper', before Davy leaps down my throat. Oops, even that's funny...

At 3:28 AM, Blogger ally. said...

this all goes very well with an old i'm sorry i haven't a clue

At 9:09 AM, Blogger davyh said...

Yes. And my elderly neighbour contacting the council to say that her bush needs trimming at the front and her back passage is a disgrace.

At 3:22 AM, Blogger caughtbytheriver said...

to London Lee;

Just come across the blog. It's great. I do a website that I reckon you'd like - not 100% Britain in particular but close - wasn't sure if it would be cool to just stick the link up on here without introduction so contact me if you're interested. We love the Paleys and the latest post is an extract from a young mod's 1964 diary. "Off down the 'dilly an' all that".
cheers, Jeff

At 9:13 AM, Blogger londonlee said...

Sure, just post the link here and I'll check it out. It takes me a while to link to new sites though.


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