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Friday, September 26

Something for the weekend

How sad is it that I can still name all the Osmonds? In case you're wondering it's Alan, Wayne, Merril, Jay, and Donny.

Just to be clear, I'm not posting this is any "God, weren't they cheesy!" way, I'm posting it because I think it's great.


At 4:52 PM, Blogger Peewit said...

I'd forgotten this song. I agree it's great, so I think I probably need to reappraise my view of the Osmonds. I have always liked Crazy Horses but perhaps I ought to look farther

At 3:26 PM, Blogger dickvandyke said...

Harmonies to die for. Usually unheard in live performances amidst the screaming girls.

At 3:49 PM, Blogger davyh said...

God, weren't they cheesy!

At 5:36 AM, Blogger ally. said...

we once some elder osmond in a lift in a vegas casino who told us to 'go look up one of our boys we got over there in your country'. i still haven't quite got round to it and i'm not sure were to look

At 2:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

there was a musical confidence to the osmonds that i always enjoyed....i heard donnys 'puppy love' the other day and it sounded terrific ....in retrospect you realise how musically curious they must have been...they delved into a fair few genres...my favourite being the country singles from donny and marie....but then they went and did that creationist concept album at their peak called'the plan' and it all went tits up.
i really fancy the eldest brother in that video..i can imagine him today in utah wearing a brown suede jacket riding a horse and looking rugged.



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