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Thursday, August 7

The Birds and The Bees

I can't remember how and when I found out how babies were made but I distinctly remember not knowing. When I was very young there was a rumour going around my Primary School that the older sister of a friend of mine was on something called "the Pill" and while I had no idea what "the Pill" was I gathered it was something a bit scandalous and to do with having a baby. So my innocent mind put 2 and 2 together and came up with 3: for a while I actually thought a girl got pregnant by taking a pill. But back then the thought of just kissing a girl scared me out of my short trousers – I'd run a mile when they started playing kiss chase – so God knows how I'd have reacted to the idea that grown ups did, you know, that.

While I knew nothing of the intimate details of love I did actually have my first official "girlfriend" at the age of 10, though to be honest she was the one who asked me out. Her name was Simone Palmley (Simone sounds so exotic now, but we pronounced it See-mon because we were a bit common), a girl at my school who I was told fancied me rotten and one day she came up to me in the playground and asked me out. Now Simone was a nice-looking girl who also happened to be famous among the boys at school for being rather, um....well-developed for her age ("Blimey, she's got bigger ones than me!" my mum said after she met her), so you'd think my reply would have been "Phwooooaar yes!" but instead I think I turned bright red and was so tongue-tied I had to be bullied into saying yes by her mates.

But at that age girls are scary creatures, they mature faster than us boys and are into things like clothes and make-up and kissing (yuck!) while we're still snotty oiks with pea shooters who'd rather be playing football. Simone was especially scary to a nervous Nellie like me, she looked so damn womanly, the dark-haired, curvy siren of the school playground who seemed 10 going on 26. I never knew what to do with myself (or her) when she was around, during that summer when we were officially "going out" (which mostly involved going swimming at the local baths together) I could barely work up the courage to hold her hand and think I only kissed her twice, both times a hurried peck on the lips. Is 10 too young for furtive gropings or snogging sessions on the back row of the pictures? It was for me, but kids these days are probably indulging in three-ways at that age.

A few years later I found out that quite a few others had gone where I feared to tread and my Simone had seemingly been out with half the boys in my year at Secondary School. Little was I to know then but this was to become the defining characteristic of my future experience with the ladies: kicking myself over golden opportunities missed because I was such a pathetic twerp and wistful thoughts of "if I knew then what I know now".

Download: Girls - Moments and Whatnauts (mp3)

This seems like a very "school playground" record to me, I can't really explain why but it's probably just because it was a hit in 1974 when I was, you know, a kid at school.


At 2:28 PM, Blogger Simon said...

I think most blokes have that "if I knew then what I know now" thing going on. It's probably the major theme of my life...

Lovely post!

At 5:35 PM, Blogger Mick said...

Great post. Simon's right - we've all got similar stories.

At 9:41 PM, Blogger whiteray said...

Yes, Simon is correct. One of my such stories runs through my head whenever I hear Silver Convention's "Fly, Robin, Fly," which happily doesn't happen often.

At 9:27 AM, Blogger dickvandyke said...

'Everyday' by Slade boggles me back to my 11 year old mind in a similar way.

Tried to get in to see the film 'Papillon' with a decidedly chesty Susan. It was an 'AA' (over 14s only) and we were turned away. My green courderoy trousers were not enough to soften the uncoolness of this moment and I never saw her again.

At 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I honestly and truly learned about 'how sex worked' through the 'big kids' (the eleven year olds, when I was about eight) walking around the playground singing Judge Dread's 'Wet Dream'.

Great post indeed.

At 9:58 AM, Blogger Aya Amurjuev said...

I truly enjoyed this post, one of my favorites! I do love your nostalgic reminiscings about your youth and you always put such a charming twist on them. I am forwarding this post to all my friends, I loved it! Good job! :)

Best highlight: "We pronounced it See-mon because we were a bit common" LMAO!

At 3:20 PM, Blogger Darcy said...

Most of us think we missed out while everybody else was getting it on left right and centre I think. In my case I certainly did miss out.

Looking back on my youth it seems I was sexually active (as in an eager kiss chase participant, "i'll show you mine if you show me yours", and kissing contests in Lynn's Dad's shed) UNTIL I went to senior school. Once I got to senior school though those rapidly maturing girls scariness factor seemed to far outweigh their undoubted attractiveness. I was out of my depth so went into my shell - for years.

Your choice of music today brought back memories of #1 Songs In Heaven.

At 5:32 PM, Blogger dickvandyke said...

Darcy is right there.

I went to an all boys Catholic Grammar school and was consequently frightened to death of females until I was about 24.

I'm still not as comfortable with girls as I am with dreadful Campari-sipping blazered bullies calling me, 'An insignificant little wretch' ... or gay priests infiltrating the showers asking us to, 'Sit down and talk about Jesus'.

I was told that a clitoris was a kind of Ford which was fuelled by 4Star fishy oestrogen.

At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max Romeo. I got my rude rude boys mixed up. Sorry.

At 8:16 AM, Blogger WZJN said...

Just as all phases do, some last way too long, some are short lived.

My scary phase with girls was short lived thanks in very large part to prodding from my 11-13 year old friends. They would tease me, prod me and cajole me to go talk to girls, till I finally gathered up what immature cajones I had at the time and bravely (on the outside) and casually strolled up and bantered.

Then it became habit. I was the only one in a large group who could muster the guts to freely talk to girls and steal kisses. Maybe because there were so very few of my sex approaching them, and due in part I'm sure to their own curiosity, I was quickly over being nervous around them. Lucky for me.

So, thanks to my crowd who were too timid and embarrassed, my confidence grew quickly and stuck with me.

By the time dating became the standard ritual, all those shakey feelings and hesitations were long gone.

Thank you to all those who pused me to the other side and lived vicariously through me.

At 10:53 PM, Blogger So It Goes said...

I was 17. It was a party held by a friend of my mum's, and that was when I found out you didn't have to just kiss a girl on the cheek...or the lips.
Do I have to go on?

At 7:12 AM, Blogger dickvandyke said...

If you wouldn't mind Steve ! ..

At 5:30 PM, Blogger davyh said...

You're saying a Clitoris is not a kind of Ford???


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