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Friday, June 20

The sun has got his hat on

Ahhh, the first day of summer. I lived in Florida for several years and a hot, sunny day means nothing there, it's hot and sunny every day which gets a bit boring after a while – ho hum, another day in paradise. But now I'm again living in a place that has actual seasons I get that same wonderful feeling I did in London when the sun finally comes out after a long, cold, miserable winter and the whole city comes alive at once, suddenly free from the shackles of heavy coats and wooly jumpers. The parks are full of workers enjoying their lunch sitting on the grass, the pavements around pubs are crowded with relaxed souls having an al fresco pint, happy to be outside feeling the warm sun on their faces, all the girls suddenly seem a hundred times prettier and you just feel glad to be alive. Unless of course you have hay fever then it can be a bloody miserable time, not to mention the pollution-choked air and the sweltering hot Tube trains that smell of BO.

And luverly records like this sound so much better too.

Download: One Summer Dream - Electric Light Orchestra (mp3)
Buy: "Face The Music"


At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am utterly hooked on your blog now....memories set to the music of your time (I believe, possibly my time as well) though I was raised in the States, so some of the English bands you mention are new to me, which makes your blog all the more inviting.

At 8:57 AM, Blogger WZJN said...

How are you today londonlee? I have something that I found online, relating to music, that may be of interest to you as a Brit - seems right up your alley. I didn't want to post it in your comments section. Send me an email and I'll send it to you if you have a moment.

At 6:06 AM, Blogger sword said...

Hi, can you please contact me?



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