Mine's a pint

Christ, I'm not getting anything done at the moment. Why don't we just call it a day and go to the pub?
Download: Hurry Up Harry - Sham 69 (mp3)
Funny how this song has gone from being laughably moronic to quite charming 30 years later. But I guess you can say that about a lot of things, myself included probably.
Anyone who wasn't there at the time won't have a scooby how huge Sham almost became. And what a great fistful of anthems 'If The Kids...', 'Sunday Morning Nightmare''Borstal Breakout' I'm reading John Robb's excellent punk history book, which puts them neatly in context.
This was the dog's bollox to a 15 year old boy.
One thing has prayed on my mind this past 30 years. I never quite appreciated where Hersham is. Was/is it near enough for them to be 'Cockney Cowboys?' or is it more of a Home Counties town like Woking? I also never saw anyone in lace-up boots and courderoys. Doc Marts yeah, I'll grant yer that. But cords? They would have been seen as gay in the north in 78. Like lager!
Liking these recent bits n bobs of Blighty Lee.
Definitely not near enough for them to be 'cockney cowboys' Bit of artistic license there....
Hi Lee,
I only drop by occasionally but every time I am glued to the screen jumping from one post to the next. Although I did not grow up in the UK but Germany it must have been around the same time, many stories sound sooo familiar! You have a very nice way of writing and letting all of us participate. I really like coming back every time!
Jörg not-rock-on.blogspot.com
there's a great story about pursey and lydon having a right old row in the american embassy not too long ago with lydon accusing pursey of being cheap and nasty and horrid. and we know johnnys always right
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