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Wednesday, May 7

Mine's a pint

Christ, I'm not getting anything done at the moment. Why don't we just call it a day and go to the pub?

Download: Hurry Up Harry - Sham 69 (mp3)

Funny how this song has gone from being laughably moronic to quite charming 30 years later. But I guess you can say that about a lot of things, myself included probably.


At 5:14 AM, Blogger Mondo said...

Anyone who wasn't there at the time won't have a scooby how huge Sham almost became. And what a great fistful of anthems 'If The Kids...', 'Sunday Morning Nightmare''Borstal Breakout' I'm reading John Robb's excellent punk history book, which puts them neatly in context.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger dickvandyke said...

This was the dog's bollox to a 15 year old boy.

One thing has prayed on my mind this past 30 years. I never quite appreciated where Hersham is. Was/is it near enough for them to be 'Cockney Cowboys?' or is it more of a Home Counties town like Woking? I also never saw anyone in lace-up boots and courderoys. Doc Marts yeah, I'll grant yer that. But cords? They would have been seen as gay in the north in 78. Like lager!

Liking these recent bits n bobs of Blighty Lee.

At 2:03 PM, Blogger Simon said...

Definitely not near enough for them to be 'cockney cowboys' Bit of artistic license there....

At 4:49 PM, Blogger Jörg said...

Hi Lee,
I only drop by occasionally but every time I am glued to the screen jumping from one post to the next. Although I did not grow up in the UK but Germany it must have been around the same time, many stories sound sooo familiar! You have a very nice way of writing and letting all of us participate. I really like coming back every time!

Jörg not-rock-on.blogspot.com

At 2:59 AM, Blogger ally. said...

there's a great story about pursey and lydon having a right old row in the american embassy not too long ago with lydon accusing pursey of being cheap and nasty and horrid. and we know johnnys always right


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