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Tuesday, April 8

Is she really going out with him?

Have you ever had a mate you secretly thought was a bit of a twat who always seemed to do incredibly well with the opposite sex? In fact, the better he did the more you hated him because it just showed up how pathetic your own sex life was. He'd turn up at parties or the pub with some gorgeous bird in tow and you'd couldn't understand why she couldn't see how annoying he was. She seemed like a nice, intelligent girl but you'd start to think there must be something wrong with her if she liked him. Your female friends would assure you it wasn't true that girls preferred going out with arseholes and liked nice guys really but the evidence you saw with your own eyes was that you were single while blokes you knew to be dickheads seemed to be beating them off with a stick.

Download: What I Like Most About You Is Your Girlfriend - The Special AKA (mp3)

This is such a terrific single it's a real shame it wasn't a hit. From The Specials great final album "In The Studio" which they released under their original name and sadly flopped too, I'm not sure it's even available on CD these days.

Yes, I know Terence Stamp (pictured above in case you didn't know) is a good-looking chap and probably a nice bloke to boot, but next to the un-Godly beauty of Jean Shrimpton anyone would look like a bit of a shifty meathead. The fact that he dated her makes me not sure whether I should admire the bastard or hate him.


At 3:20 AM, Blogger ally. said...

ooh it's too early in the morning to be seeing pictures like that. i've come over all unnecessary...

At 12:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last time I looked you could get In The Studio on CD but I feel you should try and get hold of More Specials too - and make sure it's the version with the promo video for Rat Race on... Why? Because on the front row of featured students is yours truly - whilst I was doing time at Coventry's Lanchester Polytechnic! For my acting skills I received a signed copy of the 45.

May as well buy the first Specials LP while you're at it!


At 11:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

shame on me for making my first ever anon comment - being a chicken - but your post struck a chord since my former classmate and friend (who i didn't fancy - but did set many hearts a flutter ) ended up being the *wife* of the gent photographed - married in 2002. not calculated the age difference but she would have been about 28 at the time.

At 8:58 AM, Blogger So It Goes said...

How's about that for coincidence? You and I posting the Specials in the same week...and both agreeing that In The Studio is far better than it's given credit for.

At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we say a great album apart from Racist Friend?

At 3:43 PM, Blogger londonlee said...

I always hated that song too, nothing like holier than thou pop stars passing judgment on your friendships.


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