Really Guilty Pleasures

Having already confessed to loving ELO, Queen, Chris Rainbow and Dollar you'd think that I wouldn't be able to drain any more water out of the street credibility pool. But no, in 1977 at the white-hot height of punk rock I bought a 45 of the hippy dippy song "Wondrous Stories" by those wizards of Prog Rock, Yes. Not only that, but unlike with ELO I didn't turn off it once I got hip to punk, the awful truth is I never stopped liking it and would merrily play it alongside The Clash and Joy Division records. I know it's wrong but the damn thing sure is pretty.
Glad I got that off my chest.
Download: Wondrous Stories - Yes (mp3)
Heh. I bought the album!
No! No! It's not wrong we don't all just like one thing, do we? I posted Yes once and Jon Anderson is a legend in this house. Ironically, I always thought the instrumental break on Joy Division's 'Atmosphere' sounded a bit prog rock with it's mellotron-like symphonic sweep.
And Johnny Rotten was a Can fan!
i'm sending the boys round
Would that be Rick, Jon, Chris, Steve and Alan for a full rendition of "Awaken" then, Ally?(all 15 minutes and 38 seconds of it)(oops, just given away that I've got the album, too!)
This is still considered a "staple" of Classic Rock on Radio here in Canada. It's almost hypnotic. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
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