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Monday, December 10

Half Empty

"This is where England most truly excels: in all the characterful shabbiness of its drizzled parks, soiled launderettes, frayed tailors, abject chemists, sparse barbers, bare foyers, dun pubs, weary Legion halls... and cowed solitary cafes."
Britannia Moribundia

One of my favourite Simon & Garfunkel songs is "America" especially the part where it builds up to a crescendo and they sing "Counting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike, they've all come to look for America" which just sounds incredibly romantic and makes you want to jump into an open-top Chevy and drive off into the sunset looking for your dreams. The thing is, I've driven on the New Jersey Turnpike and it's just a pot-holed, congested stretch of motorway the same as any other, the only thing I saw people looking for on it was the right exit. But even knowing that the line still sounds wonderful and makes my heart sigh.

But if the song was set in England and they sang "counting the cars on the North Circular" instead it just wouldn't have the same effect, would it? Whatever the truth is, Americans romanticize their reality in a way that we don't. When you think about Route 66 it isn't just some road that goes to California, it's a life-changing journey of freedom and discovery. But when Billy Bragg uses the same tune to take the "A13 Trunk Road To The Sea" the English locations just sound dismal and pathetic in comparison — which I guess is the point of the song, but it's still sad that it is funny. Has anyone ever had the urge to quit their job, hit the road, and go chase their dreams in Shoeburyness? The one English "road" song I know that tries for that classic American sense of freedom is the lovely "Driving Away From Home" by It's Immaterial which almost manages to make English motorways sound romantic, but even they can't resist being terribly British at the end and burst their own rose-tinted bubble by singing "I mean, after all, it's just a road."

Download: America - Simon & Garfunkel (mp3)
Download: Driving Away From Home - It's Immaterial (mp3)

The truth is, we (Brits, that is) don't look at life and see endless bright horizons and dream big dreams, we're a gloomy, glass-half-empty kind of people and who find idealistic American positivity a little embarrassing and phony. Americans, bless their hearts, do still say things like "you can be anything you want to be" and believe it (despite evidence to the contrary) because they're happily unburdened by history while we've had way too much of it and frankly can't work up the enthusiasm for anything anymore as a result. We built an empire and won a bunch of wars and now we just want to put our feet up and enjoy England's plucky failures.

Our pop laureates prefer to pick at the scabs of England than construct some romantic fantasy, looking at the dirt under the carpet and the gloom behind the net curtains, singing about miserable people living on dead end streets waiting in the rain for a bus that never comes. So while Bruce Springsteen makes the seaside resort of Asbury Park seem like some mythological eden of golden boulevards teeming with a rich tapestry of life, the English equivalent (Southend maybe?) only makes you think of grey, rainy Bank Holidays and Morrissey's coastal town they forgot to close down. The kids in Brucie's Little Eden might be working class good-for-nothings but he still makes them sound movie-star glamourous compared to the feral adolescents in a song like Pulp's "Joyriders" — if Springsteen wrote that he'd give them romantic nicknames and treat nicking cars as some metaphor for glorious youthful rebellion. In Jarvis Cocker's hands they're just petty nihilistic criminals "so thick we can't think of anything but shit, sleep and drink."

Download: 4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy) - Bruce Springsteen (mp3)
Download: Joyriders - Pulp (mp3)

These days the stubborn refusal to "have a nice day" feels like a defiant poke in the eye of today's noisy, amped-up consumer culture (created by America, of course) which bangs you over the head with its global franchises, useless gadgets, trashy television, and blinged-up celebrities. In the face of that, being miserable old bastards may be the last thing we have to hold on to that's truly ours.

Download: We'll Let You Know - Morrissey (mp3)


At 10:34 PM, Blogger Mr. Beer N. Hockey said...

No need to be glum! Soon Charles will be King.

At 4:49 AM, Blogger ally. said...

top hole mister but i'm bathing in the romantic glowing wonder of waterloo sunset (when london is independent it'll be our anthem) and my heart is near bursting.
i like how they turn sport magic too, especially baseball.
that's a smashing set of tunes too - ta - i'll be listening as i pack

At 9:08 AM, Blogger londonlee said...

London is the one English place that has been romanticized in song somewhat, but nowhere near as much as New York or LA.

God, they really overdo the poetry and mythology of baseball. Great game, but it's still just bloody Rounders.

At 6:15 PM, Blogger davyh said...

That's a top post. I read this the other day and I thought of you.

At 8:11 PM, Blogger Darcy said...

I remember a really great Britsih road movie that starred Lenny Henry. At least I think it did, also I can't remember the title, but it was good - honest.

Turning to poetry, assuming your links reflect your likes, you are, like me, a fan of Larkin. Someone who had a glass half empty outlook of England. Betjeman, on the other hand, positively sung the praises of our green and pleasant land.
Last weekend (see my latest post)
I spent, with my wife and a couple of close friends, a great weekend
in Sidmouth - much approved by Betjeman. A bit posh possibly, and a bit of a throwback probably, but it restored my faith in England as a country worth living in.

Great post btw.

At 4:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suspect that we don't have any road songs over here because the British Isles are so damn small. You can (just about) drive for days, but we all know that even if you start right down in Cornwall, you will only either end up in Aberdeen or fall off the end, neither of which is romantic. Most of the wild frontier in Europe was used up some time in the Stone Age, so our truly romantic songs tend to be about staying put.


At 12:59 PM, Blogger Andy Fenwick said...

Great post - I grew up in NJ turnpike country, and I suspect americans like me always found that image in S&G's "America" to be irony-tinged or sad, because we all knew the turnpike to be where dreams ended in America, the NJ turnpike being the opposite of anything romantic and really a road of dumped corpses, pollution, and roadside sex spots masquerading at rest areas. At least by the 70s.

As for Springsteen, his Asbury Park song is soooo out of date; although that town is currently feeling a rennaisance of sorts, they still suffer a new local government felony indictment per year. By the 80s, it was a shithold - I used to run with my school track team on the asbury park boardwalk, and while we'd see BS buying donuts sometimes, we also had to dodge the hypodermics and dogcrap in the sand
and watch out for the agressive mental home patients who were released each weekend because of federal cuts by Prez Bonzo Ronnie.
Bruce's 'Atlantic City" could equally be about Asbury.

But then I thought the It's Immaterial song, out in the late 80s (and their "Home"), was beautiful and mysterious, made me want to drive through England. And then I did, from London to Liverpool, and know what you mean.

At 1:42 PM, Blogger Peter said...

I beg to differ--British places always seemed terribly romantic to me (here in North America) in songs like "Hoover Factory", "Hit the North", many songs by the Beatles, Jam, the Kinks &c &c--I think its the lure of the unknown, the greener grass impoosed by distance...

At 12:34 PM, Blogger dickvandyke said...

I agree. Growing up in 60s industrial northern Britain in a '2up 2 down' house, song titles such as 'Do you know the way to San Hose', 'Amarillo', 'Tulsa', 'Witchita Lineman', were all fantasmagorical eternal sushine dreamworlds. Then I heard Strawberry Fields and Penny Lane and thought 'fuck it' - make the most of the here and now.

At 12:36 PM, Blogger dickvandyke said...

See, it was such an escapist world that I never needed to spell 'Jose' correctly.

At 7:48 AM, Blogger Jon said...

Parnell is spot on...I grew up in Neptune, NJ (class of 85) which borders Asbury Park. And while the Asbury renaissancce is coming - it ain't moving fast enough. That place is GLUM despite the mythologized glamor.

Yet, I miss it.

At 3:33 AM, Blogger Imposs1904 said...

"A great film starring Lenny Henry?

Darcy, I don't believe you.

At 6:32 PM, Blogger trouble loves me said...

Great post, just stumbled across it. I get lost in Jarvis' lyrics.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger clique said...

the great LENNY HENRY film is COAST TO COAST. it has a big internet / cult following as its never been repeated and is still very fondly remembered 23 years since it was broadcast.

oddly enough i read somone talking about this film randomly somewhere else just this morning.
the rights-clearance must have been a nightmare hence the lack of a dvd although u can source copies in some places.

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