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Tuesday, September 25

What's a blogger to do?

I'm up to my eyeballs at the moment with that annoying thing called "work" so new posts will be a bit thin on the ground for the next few weeks. So, breaking with our regular programming of wistful old-fart nostalgia here's a video by the wonderful Bat For Lashes whose album "Fur and Gold" has taken up permanent residence in my stereo lately.

Music videos usually leave me cold but this is a treat. A pretty English girl on a bike, what's not to love?


At 3:50 PM, Blogger dickvandyke said...

Good song. Like Shangri-Las from Shaftesbury.

I think the rodent(?)on the right nearly 'goes for a Burton' a one point.

Will seek out more ..

At 5:30 PM, Blogger davyh said...

Aha! The opening drumbeat from 'Be My Baby' lives again! WHAT a marvellous record. Must investigate. I thank you for posting, Up To Your Eyeballs Boy.

At 10:39 PM, Blogger So It Goes said...

Great song, album of the year for me.

At 7:37 AM, Blogger JohnatGist said...

I agree that there's something about this video. I heard Bat for Lashes and thought "not bad" and then the video somehow unlocked the greatness of the track for me. I guess it's the combination of bunnies and BMX. Who knew?


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