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Tuesday, September 4

Keeping The Motors Running

I'm saving myself the bother of actually writing anything much today by quickly jumping on The Motors bandwagon started by Teenage Kicks and Raiding The Vinyl Archive. Much as I've love to prove my mp3 blogger superiority by picking some obscure gem I'm going with their biggest hit because I think it's by far the best thing they ever did. "Airport" is as sublime and perfect as pop gets with more hooks than a fishing tackle shop.

I actually remember where I first heard this which tells you how I much it instantly bowled me over. It was on a show on London's Capital Radio called People's Choice where listeners would vote on on their favourite track from a selection of new singles and the winner would get heavy airplay on the station all the following week. Hearing those icy opening synth chords that day was one of those great pop moments when it feels like the clouds have parted, the sun has come out and you instantly fall head over heels in love with a record. I had to buy it as soon as possible which I did the next day and played it to death for weeks (those feelings don't happen too often these days sadly). I wasn't alone either, it won People's Choice and went on to hit #4 in the charts in 1978.

Download: Airport - The Motors (mp3)
Buy: "Airport: The Motors Greatest Hits" (album)


At 12:13 PM, Blogger So It Goes said...

Yes Lee! Thanks a) for the namecheck and b) for sharing a great memory. I blush to think that just such a moment happened with Bruce Springsteen's 'Streets Of Philadelphia', and Blondie's 'Heart Of Glass', and (to improve my street cred, i hope), The Fall's 'Rowche Rumble'.

At 12:14 PM, Blogger So It Goes said...

P.S. I'd forgotten how ghastly their 'did you spill my pint?' cover for 'Approved By...' was. Until now. Cheers.

At 4:23 AM, Blogger Iain Baker said...

Great stuff....
and you're right about the cover for "Approved by..." legend has it that the album just wasn't selling, so Virgin did some market research and found out that the bands ugly fizzogs were putting the punters off. Hence, the second cover design for the album (the one with the car windscreen)

At 7:21 AM, Blogger Iain Baker said...

....and i've linked to your blog as well :)

At 11:56 AM, Blogger Mick said...

What put me off was the singer's shorts on TOTP. The clip must be on YouTube somewhere. Great song, though, and thanks for the namecheck.

At 3:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent choice Lee - although I have to say that Airport is let down by really crap drumming.. have a listen!

At 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Lee, for this memory. This was a huge hit in its day, here in Canada. It's just one of those songs that has slipped through the cracks. Great to hear it again, after so many years. Thanks!

At 11:53 AM, Blogger So It Goes said...

Mick, I think you are referring to this TOTP appearance:
However, I don't see anything untoward about his shorts, more what appears to be suspiciously dressed guitarists and drummer...

At 3:26 PM, Blogger Kolley Kibber said...

I too have good memories of this song. Perfect, late-seventies pop. Was the Capital Radio 'People's Choice' hosted by Roger Scott? I seem to remember he had a really great, tobaccoey laugh...

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Mondo said...

Wasn't there a story about the album cover being given a make over ? the label thought the four faces staring out may put people off buying it. I'm sure I remember reading something in Smash Hits when this released.

At 10:28 AM, Blogger Big Al Davies said...

It is crap drumming, unless they recorded them first and played badly all over it.

I am 15 again! Love it.

At 7:32 AM, Anonymous Acerockolla said...

Great Single and still stands up today


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