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Thursday, September 13

It's grim up North

My Mum used to sing the opening line of Cilla Black's "Liverpool Lullaby" to me all the time and even now I can't hear "Oh you are a mucky kid, dirty as a dustbin lid" without coming over all soppy, wanting someone to wipe my nose and tuck me up in bed with my teddy. I think that's the only part of it she knew though, which is a relief because the rest of it is so bleak and miserable if she'd sung this to me I'd have burst into tears and run away from home.
Oh you are a mucky kid,
Dirty as a dustbin lid.
When he hears the things that you did,
You'll get a belt from your Dad.
Oh you have your father's nose,
So crimson in the dark it glows,
If you're not asleep when the boozers close,
You'll get a belt from your Dad.

You look so scruffy lying there
Strawberry-jam tarts in yer hair,
Though in the world you haven't a care
And I have got so many.
It's quite a struggle every day
Living on your father's pay,
The beggar drinks it all away
And leaves me without any.

Although you have no silver spoon,
Better days are coming soon
Our Nelly's working at the Lune
And she gets paid on Friday.
Perhaps one day we'll have a splash,
When Littlewoods provide the cash,
We'll get a house in Knotty Ash
And buy your Dad a brewery.

Oh you are a mucky kid,
Dirty as a dustbin lid.
When he hears the things that you did
You'll get a belt from your Dad.
Oh you have your father's face,
You're growing up a real hard case,
But there's no one can take your place,
.... Go fast asleep for yer Mammy.

Not exactly a lorra lorra laughs is it? I think that last verse is the most depressing, the poor little kid is going to turn out just like his Dad, slapping the wife and kids around and blowing his wages on beer, Woodbines, and horse racing. Enjoy!

Download: Liverpool Lullaby - Cilla Black (mp3)
Buy: "Cilla In The 60s (album)


At 9:16 AM, Blogger davyh said...

Ah, Cilla.

Mind you, not so bad as Eric Bogle's 'Glasgow Lullaby'...

Hush wee babby, he's comin' in the door
Drunken big feet are skitin' over the floor
He's had a bucket, but he's thirstin' for more
He disnae ken when he's beaten

Hush wee babby, listen tae him sittin' there
Wi his bloodshot eyes and his tangled hair
Mooth fu' o' big talk and eyes fu' o' despair
And blaming me -- as usual

Hush wee babby, yer daddy's gone tae bed
The morn he'll no' remember a' the things he said
But his tongue wis sharp and a' the wounds they bled
But then I'm used tae bleedin'

Ahem. Sleep tight children.

At 9:19 AM, Blogger londonlee said...

I was going to write a bit about how a modern version would go "When he hears the things that you did, Dad will take away your PlayStation"

And people would be horrified!

At 9:49 AM, Blogger So It Goes said...

Wasn't this the theme to some dreadful comedy called 'The Wackers'? It lasted about 6 shows before it got taken off.

At 1:26 PM, Blogger dickvandyke said...

I still sing this to my kid even now. (There was the threat of 'Childline' becoming involved though).

'The Wackers' - good shout, old boy ... We can thank that for announcing the twat Keith Chegwin to the world:


Billy Clarkson (Ken Jones) is released from prison and returns to his home in a poor part of Liverpool.

Billy is the head of a "divided" family. Half of them are Catholics and half of them are Protestants. Half of them support Liverpool Football Club, the other half support Everton Football Club.

Cast List

Ken Jones - as Billy Clarkson
Sheila Fay - as Mary Clarkson
Alison Steadman - as Bernadette Clarkson
Keith Chegwin - as Raymond Clarkson
Pearl Hackney - as Maggie Clarkson
David Casey - as Tony Clarkson
Joe Gladwin - as Joe Farrell
Bill Dean - as Charlie

Written by:
Vince Powell

Produced & Directed by:
Anthony Parker

1 series, 6 episodes
Transmitted: 1975


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