Ooh look

I was never the sort of kid who was interested in planes or trains or automobiles, but even I got a kick out of seeing Concorde. It started commercial flights in 1976 and used to fly over our school one afternoon every week on its way from Heathrow to Bahrain. For a while that was the only route it flew out of England so spotting it was something of an event. We were usually in the playground on our way to the next lesson when it came over, everyone would excitedly look up when we heard its roaring engines and kids inside would rush over to their classroom windows to try and catch a glimpse.
What made Concorde so great was that it was (at least partly) British. It started flying during the dark days of the 1970s when the country was falling apart and we had little to be proud of except our "glorious" past, but here was this gorgeous, futuristic thing we helped design and build — easily the most beautiful passenger plane ever created. With it's sleek, sexy lines and thrusting nose it was like the E-Type of aircraft, an object that stirred the loins of national pride. The fact that the Americans wouldn't allow it to land at their airports made our pride swell even more, they said it was because of noise pollution but we thought they were just jealous because they hadn't built the world's first supersonic airliner themselves.
The Concorde project started in the 50s but to me it evoked the British "can do" forward thinking of the 1960s, that optimistic period when when we'd never had it so good and Harold Wilson was talking about the "white hot heat" of the technological revolution. It didn't last of course, by the time Concorde was ready to fly the country was in the toilet and the oil crisis meant there wasn't much demand for a petrol-hungry supersonic plane. So it was a bit of a white elephant that cost a boatload of money and ended up in limited service for the wealthy, but it was a magnificent white elephant and it was ours.
John Peel played some bizarre music on his show but "There Goes Concorde Again" by ...And The Native Hipsters from 1980 must rank as the one of the most completely bonkers. This is nearly seven minutes of spoken word whimsy punctuated by tuneless electronic bleeps and bloops and the occasional clattering of typewriter keys. "Vocalist" Nanette Greenblatt sounds like some batty old cat lady who spends too much time indoors, watching the comings and goings of the world from behind her net curtains. You either love this or it will drive you from the room screaming. Me, I think it's a lovely piece of peculiarly English eccentricity and never get tired of it no matter how many times she says "ooh look!" — which is a lot.
Surprisingly this was a big hit on the indie charts and I swear I remember Peel playing a parody version of it someone did about looking out of the window and seeing two Joy Division fans walk by carrying copies of "Unknown Pleasures" under their arms. Anyone else remember this or did I hallucinate the whole thing?
Download: There Goes Concorde Again - ...And The Native Hipsters (mp3)
Your blog cheered me up on a very dull day, nice work!
Your blog cheered me up on a very dull day, nice work!
Apologies for the double, I'm blaming last nights Guinness.
the Native Hipsters album with the cow on the cover is surprisingly entertaining, coming across as this weird art-rock experiment rather than the novelty exercise you might think they are from just this track. Not that there is anything wrong with novelty, mind.
As soon as your page revealed itself to show the words Ooh look and a pic of Concorde, I knew what the posted track would be! I'm on your side with this, and the 7" is on a list of all those singles in the loft I have to transfer to mp3. I don't know about the Joy Division parody version, but until you posted this you could say I thought I imagined There Goes Concorde Again!
I live on the Heathrow flightpath and suffer from the 4.30am wake up call of that Jumbo from Hong Kong, but the magnificent sight of Concorde made the conversation-killing roar it made forgiveable somehow. I have some sad pictures of one of the great planes in pieces on a barge going down the Thames after they stopped flights.
Great post - let's see what they think of this track when I play it at work...
Completely insane, Lee. I love it.
When Concorde did her farewell flight over London, she came down as far as the Woolwich ferry, then turned around to go back upriver to Heathrow.
She banked over our office building, and we all ran from window to window, waving and smiling as we watched her fly home.
Hi, an original Native Hipster here. Just to let you know that the parody of Concorde was 'Not The Song Again' by Dave Bunny.
or rather 'not that song again'
I can sleep easier now, thanks for stopping by Tom.
Now I just have to find a copy of it.
hi, i haven't heard this song for years - excellent
i only wish i could download it
I only knew the song from the David Bunny parody oddly enuff. I taped it off Peely and nearly wore the oxide off that and many other Peely tapings. I love the original though, having now heard it on the recent Kats Karavan komp, I mean comp CD. Bunny's versh contained the immortal line: "Ooh look, there goes a long-mac again".
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