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Thursday, June 7

Lovers, not Fighters

I almost posted "Silly Games" by Janet Kay when I wrote about school discos the other week but it came out in 1979 and by then I was already hitting the pubs and clubs of London so I was a bit beyond forlorn nights pining over schoolgirls in dingy classrooms. Instead I was spending forlorn nights at nightclubs like The Best Disco In Town at the Lyceum Ballroom or chrome-plated meat markets in the suburbs with names like Tiffany's and Cheeky Pete's where I'd still be pining over girls but at least I could drink and smoke (two newly acquired habits). But this track is such a classic anthem of it's time and place I felt I had to post it anyway.

Lovers Rock was an offshoot of Reggae that came out of South London in the 1970s which was more laid back and soulful than the seriously heavy roots sounds of bands like Culture, The Upsetters, and Burning Spear who were always banging on about Jah and Babylon over thick bassy riddims. That stuff was very hip with the Rastas and Punks around Ladbroke Grove but didn't mean a whole lot to a Soul Boy from Fulham. I don't know how big it was outside of London but round my way it was very popular indeed, at my school there was a conflict between the Soul Boys (who were mostly white) and the Reggae-loving West Indian kids about whose music was the best — a battle often fought over the Youth Center record player — but Lovers Rock was the one thing they both liked. More importantly, girls loved it and anything that could get you in with them was good.

"Silly Games" is about the most beautiful Lovers record ever made (that I've heard anyway) and was the biggest hit the genre produced, getting to No. 2 in the charts. Written and produced by Dennis Bovell (who went on to work with The Slits and Orange Juice) who was trying to emulate the sweet sound of Minnie Riperton and got Janet to record the song because she was able to hit the same really high notes as her. (at times on this she reaches notes only dogs can hear).

This is the long 12" version with the spacey Dub section at the end that was compulsory on all Reggae 12" singles at the time. Even after all these years it sounds as lovely as ever.

Download: Silly Games - Janet Kay (mp3)
Buy: "Reggae Love Songs" (album)


At 5:37 PM, Blogger davyh said...

Fabulous, fabulous record Lee. Lawdy, but we need more reggae in the blogosphere...

At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long time listener, first time caller ...

I live on the other side of the planet these days but this brings back bittersweet memories of of all those hours spent wallflowering in Shropshire school discos.

At 4:00 AM, Blogger ally. said...

i agree - more reggae more reggae - although it'll be hard to beat this beauty.

At 8:57 AM, Blogger londonlee said...

Love the word "wallflowering" - I may have to steal that and use it.

At 11:33 PM, Blogger So It Goes said...

Nice. Kind of makes me want to post the two (yes, only two) reggae songs to make the Festive Fifty...Good job as ever, Lee.

At 6:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Wallflowering?" Yours to use as you see fit. Just be gentle.

At 8:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blimey! Cheeky Pete's! You mean the one on the river at Richmond that was also called Brollies? that one... Blimey!

It was a rare night out for me to get all the way over from The Bandwagon for a night out at Cheeky Pete's... Blimey!

At 7:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Cheeky Pete's! First time I've seen this club mentioned on t'internet. I remember the club from an even earlier period in the early 70's, in the Glam Rock era.

Didn't the club have a DJ called Marc Bowley, who just happened to look like the curiously, similarly named Glam Rock star??

Thanks for the track Lee.

(Cheeky) Pete

At 8:34 AM, Blogger londonlee said...

I think I only went to Cheeky Pete's once but it was very popular with kids at my school. There was one club called The Black Cat I went to a few times but I'm not sure where that was - Streatham maybe?

At 6:28 PM, Blogger Comb & Razor said...

ach! how long do these files last? i can't believe i missed this one!

At 6:28 PM, Blogger Comb & Razor said...

ach! how long do these files last? i can't believe i missed this one!

At 8:44 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

CheekY Petes, Brollies. You must be hav'in a a laugh. These where the best clubs ever at around the age of 1978-79-80. Brought up in Putnet a 'soul head' .Often missed the last buss home (37) and had to walk all the way back home. Left Cheeky's the perused Tiffanys at Wimbledon, brilliant. And another club in Sutton can't remember the name. Vinyl 12 inches and stolen kisses. 15 ot 16 pints then a couple of pernod n' blacks. 5 pound left hidden in my sock just in case. Garys' Gang, War, heat wave. Just so amazing. John Griffiths boy, Hotham Primary School. Poured so much money in the Coat n Badge Putney,Flanagans, Mr Macawbers Wine Bar. Oh yes, bring it on

At 8:55 AM, Blogger londonlee said...

Macawbers? Bugger me, that takes me back. Many a drunken night ended up there. Our Friday night pub crawl usually went The Quill > The Spotted Horse > The Bricklayers > The Duke's Head. Often went to Freeway's in Wandsworth too.

I'm a Henry Compton boy from Fulham so I usually ended up staggering home over Putney Bridge and down the Fulham Road. After a kebab at the Ali Baba.

At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1978/9 in cheekys! wasnt the other bar in there called brollies? had all tables with garden tables and chairs with parasols. and downstairs there was the castle bars! i think there was Chat Noir oposite the odeon, as for Friday nights in the Lyceum ballroom in the strand with Capital Radio 194 and Greg Edwards with the football whistles, the bromley bumshifters, the croydon cruise control crews from around london, all happy and partying, superb. Anyonr remember The Belvedere in Ascot on a sunday lunchtime? Chertsey Lock, the galleonand the cricketers over the road on a sunday night?, The running mare in Cobham, and plough at downside too. Shemys wine bar in north cheam?

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yes I remember Chertsey Lock, Sinatras and Caister Weekends. Just bought a 12" Cd remix of 80's magic.Shemies Wine bar and Lyceum Ball Room the Strand.But Brollies and Cheeky Petes remain close to my heart. Brilliant, innocent times.


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