Something for the weekend

I have a stinking cold at the moment which has rendered me temporarily incapable of writing an interesting sentence so I'll quickly drop this on you. A while ago I wrote about how much I adored Pauline Murray. Well I loved her so much I even bought this single, a country and western duet she recorded with Peter Perrett of The Only Ones. Were they trying to be the post-punk Tammy Wynette and George Jones or something? Strange, but rather sweet.
Download: Fools - The Only Ones (featuring Peter & Pauline) (mp3)
Wow. Never heard this. Thanks! More Pauline pleeease!!
i can't quite bring myself to listen to this yet - it just sounds too weird for this time in the morning. and are you sure you should be digging out this kind of thing when you're poorly? you'll catch your death x
that is bloody brilliant - i can't believe i've never even heard of it before - they've both got such marvelous country voices it's a shame they didn't move to nashville and get fat and spangly
Have to agree with the other comments (apart from Ally's first comment - clearly he has come to his senses since. Thanks for this and all the other crackers you put on here. That said, she'll never top 'Danger Signs'...
Any chance you could re upload.I've never heard that either ?
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