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Friday, March 30

Something for the weekend

I have a stinking cold at the moment which has rendered me temporarily incapable of writing an interesting sentence so I'll quickly drop this on you. A while ago I wrote about how much I adored Pauline Murray. Well I loved her so much I even bought this single, a country and western duet she recorded with Peter Perrett of The Only Ones. Were they trying to be the post-punk Tammy Wynette and George Jones or something? Strange, but rather sweet.

Download: Fools - The Only Ones (featuring Peter & Pauline) (mp3)


At 4:56 PM, Blogger davyh said...

Wow. Never heard this. Thanks! More Pauline pleeease!!

At 4:14 AM, Blogger ally. said...

i can't quite bring myself to listen to this yet - it just sounds too weird for this time in the morning. and are you sure you should be digging out this kind of thing when you're poorly? you'll catch your death x

At 5:47 AM, Blogger ally. said...

that is bloody brilliant - i can't believe i've never even heard of it before - they've both got such marvelous country voices it's a shame they didn't move to nashville and get fat and spangly

At 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have to agree with the other comments (apart from Ally's first comment - clearly he has come to his senses since. Thanks for this and all the other crackers you put on here. That said, she'll never top 'Danger Signs'...

At 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any chance you could re upload.I've never heard that either ?



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